4 Benefits of Journaling

Morning Pages is a basic tool that Julia Cameron recommended in her book: The Artist’s Way. It involves writing down your thoughts (all your thoughts) or “stream-of-consciousness”, on paper, long-hand, until you have filled three pages. 

Following are four benefits of free writing daily in your journal:

1. Clear Mind

Once all your thoughts are out on paper, your mind stops regurgitating recurring thoughts of negative situations.  

2. Face Fear

You may be surprised at what appears on your paper especially when writing about why you think you are incapable of achieving a specific goal. You are often held back by your fears. This method forces you to face those “fears” that have appeared on your morning pages. 

3. Energy

With all those thoughts floating around in your head with no where to go your physical body is weighed down by your thoughts. Writing them down empties your mind of remunerating thoughts which will free up much needed energy to be used to find creative solutions.

4. Intuition

A clear mind allows you to become more in tune with your intuition leading you to receive “downloads” from the universe of possible solutions to your problems. These will be most surprising and rewarding. .

Try incorporating it into your morning routine to reap these astounding benefits.

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