Why you should think positive thoughts?
Many of us are completely unaware of the thoughts floating around in our minds. In order to take control of the direction of our lives and create the life we want, it is imperative that we learn to observe our thoughts, and intercede where necessary as our thoughts create our realities.
We are Creators
This universal law plays out everyday all around us. Have you ever noticed how researchers of a specific illness will have close family or relatives with the very disease that they have spent their lives studying? We often hear the adage “God never gives us more than we can handle.” But what if it is the other way around? What if we attract and manifest our deep seated fears? Without interjecting with corrective actions, our thoughts keep replaying the same negative stories eventually manifesting all things we do not want.
Your thoughts create your Reality
We are constantly creating our lives via our thoughts. For example, we want to attract money and in order to do so we reside in a “victim” mentality of “never having enough”. We talk about all the things that we cannot have, or cannot afford, and the cycle perpetuates.
Cultivate an abundance mindset
Would you like to attract more wealth into your life? Start by thinking the thoughts of the wealthy. These would be thoughts of investing, diversifying, evaluating value to price, and embodying the mannerisms and conversations of wealth, cultivating gratitude, and participate in giving back to your community.
If you are on a path of self growth, then changing your thoughts, your mindset, to think positive thoughts, is 100% within your control, and does not cost a thing, but the rewards are exponential.
You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.
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