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Purpose of Time

Why was the concept of time created, if not, for the sole purpose of measuring the sheer vastness of what man has come to know.  1. Importance of Time With the passage of time, we curate basic survival skills such as feeding ourselves, walking, and running. As we come…

Beginner Micro Workouts

Peak fitness can be achieved by doing micro workouts at home. Daily micro workouts without the gym will increase strength, flexibility, power, balance, endurance, agility, and coordination. Mini Workouts throughout the day compound to provide comparable benefits as one long exercise session and can easily fit into your fitness regime…

4 Benefits of Journaling

Morning Pages is a basic tool that Julia Cameron recommended in her book: The Artist’s Way. It involves writing down your thoughts (all your thoughts) or “stream-of-consciousness”, on paper, long-hand, until you have filled three pages.  Following are four benefits of free writing daily in…

3 Chai Tea Benefits

Masala Chai has an incredibly enticing aroma that immediately soothes the senses and slowly kindles a warmth deep within. The roots and spices in this tea provide a plethora of health benefits, including: 1. Curcumin Compound Alleviation of inflammation, oxidative conditions, anxiety, and arthritis from curcumin found in the turmeric…

Chai Tea Recipe

SOOTHING CHAI TEA RECIPE The fresh roots and whole spices in this recipe work holistically and synergistically to effect healing. Ingredients: 1/2 Cup Filtered Water (You may use milk for a creamier tea.) 1/2 Cup Whole Grass Fed/Grass Finished Milk (Plant based milk can be substituted.) 2…

5 Surprising Sauna Benefits

Sauna bathing has numerous health benefits and is revered around the world. Following are five reasons to start today: 1. Blissfully Relaxing Sauna steam room is blissfully relaxing. You can read a book, listen to soothing music, or watch an interesting show while working up a sweat. 2. Get Glowing…