Hypothyroidism – Thyroid Health Solution

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What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is commonly referred to as under active thyroid. Your body does not produce enough thyroid hormones. The hormones produced by your thyroid regulates your breathing, heart rate, body weight, digestion, and your moods.

Symptoms/Effects of Hypothyroidism in females:

Feeling Cold.


Dry Skin

Weight Gain


Feeling Depressed

Joint/Muscle Pain

Thinning Hair

Heavy Periods (or Irregular Periods)



If you feel like you may are affected by hypothyroidism or other thyroid functions, you will need to speak to your doctor about about your symptoms, family history, have a physical exam, thyroid tests, and imaging tests.

What if you are already diagnosed?

There is no medical cure for hypothyroidism but we should be mindful that we are not unknowingly doing anything to exacerbate our condition. We can explore options such a thyroid diet, holistic supplements, and beneficial exercises.

Let food by thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.


Natural Treatment Resources to Manage Symptoms:

The Paleo Thyroid Solution

Elle Russ’s book The Paleo Thyroid Solution provides alternatives that even your doctor may be unaware of. It’s 2020, we sometimes need to look beyond outdated traditional medicine for answers. She sheds light on when you still feel like crap but your thyroid tests came back “normal.”

Gut & Psychology Syndrome

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s book explores the connection between the gut and immune system symptoms as well as the gut and various psychological issues. She’s a strong proponent of using real foods, nourishing foods, to heal our bodies. This book has been a life savor for myself and my kids. My older was born via c-section, so he was deprived of being bathed with good bacteria through the birth canal. Dr. McBride’s book has been helping me prepare nutrient dense foods that fuels his mind and that his body thrives on.

Exercise Solution

Is your exercise routine working against you? I was guilty of running three to five miles a day thinking I was being healthy! Exercising creates stress, which further suppresses our thyroid functioning. Do you feel like you are exercising, and dieting, but feel like you are not making progress? We all need to engage in movement to create a healthy body. There is a specific program created for those suffering from hypothyroidism. For more information: Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program.

The body is a self-healing organism.

Barbara Brennan

About The Author
