Category: Diets & Recipes

Sauteed Spiced Pork Belly and Vegetables: Paleo, Whole30, Grain Free

Sauteed Spiced Pork Belly and Vegetables is a delicious easy recipe that fits into any of the Low Carb Diets such as Paleo, Whole30, AIP, or Grain Free. The star of this recipe is pastured raw uncured, unsalted, no sugar pork belly, that is sliced into small chunks. It is…

Refreshing Cilantro Green Smoothie for Detox and Healing

Cilantro has numerous health benefits including the ability to detox heavy metals as effectively, if not more, than drugs. It has a unique taste and smell, and you either love it or hate it! But hear me out, it is for your best health, that you consider making this refreshing…

Foods that help Chelation of Toxic Chemicals Naturally

What is Chelation? Chelation is a method used for removing heavy metals and minerals from our bodies. The chelating foods/agents “bind” to the heavy metals and minerals and remove them through excretion. Foods can help in chelation of toxic chemicals naturally. Why we should Chelate heavy metals…

Auto Immune Diet your Doctor May Not Be Aware Of

Everyone can benefit from adapting an Auto Immune Diet. In today’s world, we are constantly exposed to foods that work against our bodies, often times increasing inflammatory factors and aiding in the rapid progression of diseases. Spend Time Learning Our Doctors are not trained in nutrition, and are…

Chai Tea Recipe

SOOTHING CHAI TEA RECIPE The fresh roots and whole spices in this recipe work holistically and synergistically to effect healing. Ingredients: 1/2 Cup Filtered Water (You may use milk for a creamier tea.) 1/2 Cup Whole Grass Fed/Grass Finished Milk (Plant based milk can be substituted.) 2…