Foods to Cure Unhealthy Tongue Color

If you have been diagnosed with of the nine unhealthy tongue syndromes in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are foods to cure unhealthy tongue color.

The best part of TCM is that they truly believe in the power of foods to heal. In my experience, this type of alternative healing focuses on rebalancing your energy, and on consuming healing foods for your particular diagnosis. You may read my post on Acupuncture here.

Following are food recommendations for two types of common tongue syndromes in TCM:

Qi Deficiency

Your tongue most likely has a thin white coating covering it, as well as teeth marks around the edges of your tongue. This diagnosis indicates poor appetite, nutrient deficiency, and feeling of fatigue and lack of energy.

One of the first things that is recommended for Qi Deficiency is to consume less raw foods as they are difficult to digest. You should also avoid cold foods. Eat healthy wheat grain foods, and deeply nutritious foods such as nuts, shiitake mushrooms, grass-fed beef. Eat healthy fats such as coconut, as well as consume warming teas. Please check out my delicious Detox Chai Tea Recipe here.

Yang Deficiency

Your tongue is most likely swollen, with a thick white coating if you have a yang deficiency.

You may also feel cold easily, panic easily, are depressed, and may be impotent, or infertile.

Spices such as cinnamon, star anise, and clove are recommended. Also nuts such as pistachios, and chestnuts. Seafoods such lobster and shrimp should also be eaten. Nutrient dense foods such as beef kidneys, deer kidneys, sheep kidneys, and goat kidneys will deeply replenish your body. Both the seeds and roots of fennel are recommended, as well as, dill seeds.

Deeply nutritious foods, and nutrient dense foods are powerful medicine! You need to nourish your body with the right foods in order to promote healing and regeneration.

To read more about the other types of syndromes that can be diagnosed by having your tongue examined by a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, please check here.

If you have benefited from this, please check out my other posts including healing recipes such as my Refreshing AntiOxidant Detoxing Pomegranate Salad.

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