Lightly Creamed Spinach/Kale Coconut Curry

Why Make a Lightly Creamed Spinach/Kale Coconut Curry?

Curries are soothing, delicious, and comforting, but their health benefits are often compromised by the addition of gratuitous amounts of heavy creams.

This dish utilizes just two tablespoons of organic coconut cream/milk, and absolutely no added oils. It is a light creamy curry that does not compromise on taste.

Nutritional Benefits of Kale and Spinach

Kale and Spinach are both nutritional powerhouses in their own rights.

Nutrients in Kale

Calories: 1 Cup = 33 Calories

Carbohydrates: 1 Cup = 7g Carbs

Protein: 1 Cup = 2g Protein

A cup of Kale provides other nutrients such as Vitamins C, A, K, and B6. Kale also provides potassium, and 9% of your DV of calcium, as well as trace minerals such as manganese, and copper.

Nutrients in Spinach

Calories: 1 Cup = 41 Calories

Carbohydrates: 7g

Protein: 5g

Spinach is an excellent source of folate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

Lightly Creamed Spinach/Kale Coconut Curry Recipe


2 Cups Chopped Organic Spinach

2 Cups Chopped Organic Kale

1/4 Cup Finely Chopped Onions

8 Cloves Garlic Thinly Sliced

1 Tsp Curried Powder

1/4 Tsp Paprika Powder

2 TBSP Unsweetened Organic Coconut Cream/Milk


Ground Pepper

2 Cups Water


Set non-stick pan on low medium heat. Once pan is warmed, add a tablespoon of water, onions, and garlic. Water sauté for a minute, and then add the spinach, kale, curried powder, paprika powder, and coconut cream. Continue sautéing for two minutes, and add water, salt, and pepper. Cook until it has reduced to the curry consistency you desire. Taste for salt, and pepper.

What to Pair this dish with?

This dish makes for an excellent side dish to meat/fish dishes. Please check out my Spiced Salmon Recipe, as well as my Beef Stew with Potatoes Recipe. It can also be eaten on a vegan/vegetarian diet.

Allow me to suggest pairing it with plain basmati rice. Please check out my post on How to Make Perfectly Cooked Rice.

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